Monday, June 22, 2009

Admit it... You're Hooked!

June 21st 1:30pm, recap :

With the help of our recruiting agent... we had some rookies come up from the "farm team". Rockin' out the 1st inning we had Birthday Girl, Marcy get team "Cleveland Steam(rollers) on the books. Massive kick to far left field got Sarah Fast & Fierce Fabietti to learn the art of K.B. really quickly. With bases loaded next up was rookie of the year, O'Canada Brent bringing home the Americanos on 2nd and 3rd.

Team kick some Balls had some work to do with..but never fear. Our rookies where on the ball!

From across the pound, make'em bleed Marcus was all over it...bringing massive kicks to stop the "steamrollers" in their tracks. Next 2 rookies Fast & Fierce and Juicy Jivin Jana - took it home.

Halftime switch up - brought Sunday Funday to a whole new level. Hot off the press, Cincinnati Bow Tie Jeva came into the game kicking up all kinds of trouble. Bases loaded massive kick from No Fus Gus came up unlucky with a save from Bulgaria's next Mayor, Matt. Oh what a catch!!
Last inning... Cleveland Steamers really needed to bring it home 12 to tie and 13 to win. No Fus Gus made up for his unlucky last inning kick with a massive kick way out of the ball park.

Birthday Girl Marcy and Change the Rules Chris on deck had Team kick some Balls strategizing. Tony the Tank kicks a line drive - next up birthday girl... short kick to third. Change the Rules Chris kicks far right field, sends Tony the Tank home and Birthday Girl a runnin. Cincinnati Bow Tie up.... center field kick sends Change the Rules Chris diving into third. Man Down Pitcher of the year, Gary puts a little spin on the last pitch.... which didn't break Fast & Fierce Fabietti kick, but make'em bleed Marcus came up lucky.... with a catch to knock Fast & Fierce out and tie the game.

What a game what a game!! Cheers to all the Rookies that came through Jana, Gus, Brent, Tony,Sarah, & Jeva!!! You're hooked... admit it! :)

Cheers to our Birthday Girl Marcy!!! Wishing you all the best!

And special shot out to Charlie Roberts!! Thanks so much for sending the Kickballs!! Happy Fathers Day!

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